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Wolfram Kernel
Execution environment
InputRange[min_, max_, step_:1, initial_:(min+max)/2, opts___] _EventObject

creates a basic combo of a slider and numerical input field and returns EventObject

Event generation

Every-time user drags a slider, an event in a form of number will be generated

slider = InputRange[0,1,0.1];
EventHandler[slider, Function[data,
Print[StringTemplate["`` is a number"][data]]

On MacOS devices it provides a haptic feedback when dragged



Adds a label to a slider

slider = InputRange[0, 1, 0.1, "Label"->"Slider"]


Specifies which topic or pattern of an event is used

"Topic" -> name_String

emits name for each time when user drags a slider

"Topic" -> {oninput_String, onchange_String}

emits oninput when any changes occur, while onchange is emitted after the users action


Adds expression to track (usually a symbol) and update the slider position

var = 0.3;
EventHandler[InputRange[0,2,0.1, var, "TrackedExpression"->Offload[var], Print]

Now you can overwrite slider position by setting

var = 0.6;

Your slider effectively acquires an initialization value because of tracked expression

Chaining events

One can reuse another event for a new element

InputRange[event_EventObject, min_, max_, step_:1, initial_:(min+max)/2, opts___]

for example

ev = EventObject[];

InputButton[ev, "Topic"->"Button"]
InputRange[ev, 0,1,0.1, "Topic"->"Slider"]

EventHandler[ev, {
"Button" -> Beep,
"Slider" -> Print


Control properties using knob

EventHandler[InputRange[0,1,0.1], Function[data, pos = data]];
% // EventFire;
Graphics[Rectangle[{-1,0}, {1, Offload[pos]}]]

Supported output forms