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Wolfram Kernel
Execution environment

Used to replace wrapped Wolfram Expression with custom HTML/JS elements


Most decorations generated by TemplateBox, graphics functions Graphics, Graphics3D, InputButton and etc are ViewBox-es.

  • the expression is not editable by a user and is fully replaced in the editor by the provided view (behaves like a 1 symbol)
  • the inner expr is revealed after first evaluation

RGBColor, DateObject and InterpretationBox (together with EditorView) and many more use this structure to display a human-readable form of the content behind

There is a helper function to prevent an editor from rendering, if you want to write using this low-level representation

ViewBox[expr_, displayView_, opts___]

it will keep expr in a code replacing visually by DOM element. The last one will be attached to the expression displayView executed after.



Manually enables events generation. Using the provided event object identifier (_String), it fires various events based on its state. You can attach a normal EventHandler to the given id

uid = CreateUUID[];
EventHandler[uid, {pattern_String :> handler_, ..}]

ViewBox[.., "Event"->uid]

There are following patterns available to be attached to

  • "Mounted" fires once a widget is visible. A unique identifier is provided as a payload in a form of association
  • "Destroy" fires once it was removed

Once it has been mounted it provides a unique ID as a string from the key Instance in "Mounted" event, which can be used in the constructor FrontInstanceReference. You can also apply ViewBox`InnerExpression and ViewBox`OuterExpression as well.



This method is much faster than InterpretationBox or Interpretation, since it does not spawn EditorView inside for displaying regular boxes.

Simple straight example

Let us make a special symbol with a single property

boxObject /: MakeBoxes[boxObject[s_], StandardForm] := With[{
g = Graphics[{Blue, Disk[{0,0},1], Opacity[0.5], Red,Disk[{0,0},s]}, ImageSize->80, Controls->False, ImagePadding->None]
ViewBox[boxObject[s], g ]

As you can see no JS required

Table[boxObject[i], {i,3}]

And you can still work with them as it was symbols

Event listeners

We can make frontend beep, once widget has been destroyed

boxObject /: MakeBoxes[boxObject[s_], StandardForm] := With[{
g = Graphics[{Blue, Disk[{0,0},1], Opacity[0.5], Red,Disk[{0,0},s]}, ImageSize->80, Controls->False, ImagePadding->None],
uid = CreateUUID[]
EventHandler[uid, {"Destroy"->Beep}];

ViewBox[boxObject[s], g, "Event"->uid]

Replacing expression with custom JS

One can define its own style of cells boxes

core.Replacer = async (args, env) => { = "red"; = "2em"; = "1em";
wrapper /: MakeBoxes[wrapper[expr_], StandardForm] := ViewBox[wrapper[expr], Replacer]

and then try


This is basically how RGBColor, DateObject are implemented


In general it is possible to update the expression underneath indirectly. For this reason, there are multiple way of accessing this feature

From Wolfram Kernel

Please see methods below


Is used to replace a covered expression by ViewBox with a given string.


It must be evaluated in the context of an instance of ViewBox, use FrontInstanceReference and FrontSubmit in order to apply this to a specific box

It returns the current content if no string is specified as an argument. Use it with FrontInstanceReference and FrontFetch.

For example, lets make a dummy view-box, which covers a simple string with a disk

dummy /: MakeBoxes[_dummy, StandardForm] := With[{uid = CreateUUID[]},
EventHandler[uid, {
"Mounted" -> Function[res, ref = res["Instance"]]

ViewBox["Covered", Graphics[Disk[]], "Event"->uid]


Now our element reported about itself into ref global symbol. Let us fetch this covered expression

FrontFetch[ViewBox`InnerExpression[], FrontInstanceReference[ref]]

Now lets change it

FrontSubmit[ViewBox`InnerExpression["1+1"], FrontInstanceReference[ref]]

Now if you evaluate our disk, you will see



Is used to replace or update the content string within the box (including the box as well)


It will destroy an instance of the ViewBox once applied.


ref = FrontInstanceReference[];
Plot[x, {x,0,1}, Epilog->{ref}]

and then we can destroy it and replace with our text

FrontSubmit[ViewBox`OuterExpression["Hello World"], ref] 

From Javascript function

An expression displayView is evaluated on WLJS Interpreter in the browser with special property provided (see tutorial WLJS Functions)

core.displayView = async (args, env) => {

this object contains property to update the content

EditorWidget.applyChanges('"new content"')

Let us create a special object, that will act like a checkbox

CheckObject /: MakeBoxes[CheckObject[state_:(True | False)], StandardForm] := With[{},
ViewBox[CheckObject[state], CheckBoxDecorator[]]

now JS part


core.CheckBoxDecorator = async (args, env) => {
let state = false;

//check the raw data from the viewbox to determine the state
if ( == 'CheckObject[True]') state = true;

//make a rectangle = "1em"; = "1em";

const update = (s) => = s ? 'red' : 'blue';

//color it depending on state

//logic for updates when a user click on it
env.element.addEventListener("click", () => {
state = !state;

const stringState = state ? 'True' : 'False';'CheckObject['+stringState+']');

Let's test it!


then try to click on it, copy and paste it

whatever you do, it will keep its state synced. No communication with WL Kernel happens, everything is running within the code-editor in the browser.

Or even cooler

Table[CheckObject[True], {i, 3}, {j, 3}] // MatrixForm 

Supported output forms