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Wolfram Kernel
Execution environment

Creates a new cell with a given content in a notebook

CellPrint[str_String, opts___] _RemoteCellObj
CellPrint[any_, opts___] _RemoteCellObj

where str is a text representation of an expression to be inserted into a new cell or any is an arbitrary expression, which will be converted to string automatically using StandardForm.


By the default it prints an output Wolfram Language cell after a current parent input cell, but you can override it


Specifies a RemoteCellObj after which a new cell will be inserted. A sequence patterns are also supported


The default value is "Output"


Default is "Notebook". Specifies the target, where a cell will be printed. Possible values

  • "Notebook" or Automatic or Null
  • "Window" or _ projects to a new window


Default is "codemirror". This sets what renderer will be used, the following renders are available

  • "codemirror" default render for all input cells and output WL cells
  • "markdown"
  • "wlx"
  • `"html"
  • `"js"

and etc depending on the cell types available on your system (see Cell types)


Sets if the evaluation required. By the default is True (no evaluation, display as provided)


In a case if the evaluation context (if After is not provided and it is called by a button other async event) is not available, you should provide a reference to the notebook (see EvaluationNotebook)


A preferred window size for printed cells when Target is _ (new window).



Print a cell after the current one with a date

With[{cell = ResultCell[]},
EventHandler[InputButton[], Function[Null,
CellPrint[ToString[Now, StandardForm], "After"->cell]

or print to a new window

cell = CellPrint[ToString[Plot[x,{x,0,1}], StandardForm], "Target"->_];

and then delete it


Different renders

One can use WLX as well. For example you create a template in a separate cell


wlTest[P_] := <div class="p-1 rounded" style="border: 1px solid blue"><P/></div>

Since this function returns a string, we can pass it directly to CellPrint

CellPrint[wlTest[Plot[x, {x,0,1}]], "Display"->"wlx"];

A window, that opens another window

It is still possible to do if you provide notebook in Options, otherwise it does not know where to open it

man := ManipulatePlot[Sin[x w], {x,-1,1}, {w,1,5}];

open[n_] := CellPrint[ToString[man, StandardForm], "Target"->_, "Notebook"->n];

With[{n = EvaluationNotebook[]},
EventHandler[InputButton[], Function[Null, open[n]]]
, StandardForm], "Target"->_]

Even if you close your notebook, it will still work.