Integration of Plotly library
An API of plotly.js library is available from Wolfram Kernel, there is 1:1 correspondance between Javascript numbers, arrays and objects. Please see their API for all features.
Download original notebookBasic charts
When you call Plotly
it acts as a contructor to a corresponsing object
plot = Plotly[<| "y"->RandomReal[{-1,1}, 10], "mode"->"lines" |>]
To add more traces on existing plot dynamically - call a dedicated method
PlotlyAddTraces[plot, {<|"y"->RandomReal[{-1,1}, 10]|>}]
Using Plotly API on can also extend plots and animate them. Please see more examples here.
To plot multiple traces from the beginning supply arrays for x
and y
trace := <| "y" -> RandomReal[{-1,1}, 10], "type" -> "line" |>; Plotly[{trace, trace, trace}]
Scatter plots
trace1 = <| "x" -> Range[0, 2Pi, 0.1], "y" -> (Sin @ Range[0, 2Pi, 0.1]), "mode" -> "markers", "type" -> "scatter" |>; Plotly[trace1]
Bar plot
trace = <| "x" -> {"giraffes", "orangutans", "monkeys"}, "y" -> {20, 14, 23}, "type" -> "bar" |>; Plotly[trace]
Pie chart
trace = <| "values" -> {19, 26, 55}, "labels" -> {"Residential", "Non-Residential", "Utility"}, "type" -> "pie" |>; Plotly[trace]
Bubble chart
data = <| "x" -> {1, 2, 3, 4}, "y" -> {10, 11, 12, 13}, "mode" -> "markers", "marker" -> <| "size" -> {40, 60, 80, 100} |> |>; Plotly[data]
data = <| "z" -> Table[x y, {x,-10,10}, {y,-10,10}], "type" -> "heatmap" |>; Plotly[data]
Contour plot
data = Flatten[Table[{x,y,x y}, {x,-10,10}, {y,-10,10}],1] // Transpose; data = <| "x" -> data[[1]], "y" -> data[[2]], "z" -> data[[3]], "type" -> "contour" |>; Plotly[data]
Surface plot
data = <| "z" -> Table[x y, {x,-10,10}, {y,-10,10}], "type" -> "surface" |>; Plotly[data]
WebGL accelerated Scatter plot
data = RandomReal[{-1,1}, {2,10000}]; Plotly[<| "y" -> data[[2]], "x" -> data[[1]], "mode"-> "markers", "type"-> "scattergl" |>]
And many more!
Please visit PlotlyJS website